Elite Video Productions‘ creative team consists of award-winning videographers and editors. Presenting your company with the professional image it deserves, whether it be through production of videos for sales team training, employee/shareholder presentations, brand identity, team building, outreach fundraising, trade shows/conventions, focus groups, marketing surveys, or video newsletters and announcements, our services are unparalleled when fighting for your market share.
Promotional web videos are an innovative and exciting Internet marketing tool for businesses large and small. Similar to a television commercial, a promotional web video will advertise your company’s advantages to potential customers. Unlike traditional television commercials, promotional web videos can be broadcast directly to your target audience for search engine marketing, your website, free through e-mail, and video-sharing sites such as YouTube.
Elite Video Productions offers top-to-bottom creative production services tailored to your specific needs. Beginning with creative conceptualizing, script writing, and storyboarding, to animation, voiceovers, union talent and non-union talent, we can guide your projects from script to screen. We create high-quality, engaging web video experiences for our clients, and are experts in preparing, uploading, and presenting video for the Internet. We work in all formats: Flash, Windows™ Media, QuickTime™, and Real Media™. Call today for a free creative consultation and complete written estimate for your next project.
Elite Video Productions owns and operates the only green screen studio in Downtown Dallas. Our studio is approximately 1,000 square feet, has a pre-lit 20 X 20 corner and curved wall as well as a cyc wall, an 18-foot ceiling height, metal beams, an exterior 8 X 12 control room, and rear-entry garage access. There are six 5000K studio lights mounted on the ceiling, with dimmers, soft boxes, and 1 X 1 adjustable LED panels.
Call Elite Video Productions today at 214-747-1952 to set up a free creative consultation and complete written estimate for your next project.