Elite Video Productions has been providing professional litigation support video services at courtroom hearings, mediations, arbitrations, and depositions since June of 1989. We work exclusively with the best Certified Shorthand Reporters and Certified Realtime Reporters across the nation. Elite has recorded literally thousands of legal proceedings involving a variety of subjects in various court systems through the country.
Elite Video Productions takes pride in employing a premier team of courtroom and war room veterans who can and have handled everything from complex litigation to courtroom playback, live streaming of realtime HD depositions, “Day In The Life” presentations, site inspections, accident re-enactments, and multi-camera interviews. We have state-of-the-art editing suites, 12 rapid synchronization stations, and experienced editors available 24/7. We are service providers of all the major litigation support software, including, but not limited to, Summation™, Trial Director™, Concordance™, LiveNote™, Westlaw™, Sanction™, Visionary™, and YesLaw™. All of our litigation services are designed and tailored to fit the needs of each individual client’s needs.
Eliminate travel costs and harness the power of technology! In today’s economy, it may not be cost effective for counsel to travel from state to state hosting or attending depositions. Counsel can now attend a deposition anywhere in the world without leaving the comfort of their office by leveraging web-streaming technology and participating in a deposition while streaming the live audio, video, and realtime transcript feed to their desktop/laptop computer. Counsel can also communicate with any attending attorney through secure, live, instant messaging. Let Elite Video Productions show you how cost effective live streaming technology can be!
Elite’s Deposition Management Team establishes FTP sites for counsel to facilitate casework management through a secure Cloud-based resource center. Provding a means of viewing any/every transcript, exhibit, or video from past depositions, hearings, arbitrations, et cetera, the ability to share calendars among all parties to litigation, including notifications to all parties regarding calendars, and access to master exhibit binders and digital files limits the firm’s impact on the environment, reduces internal storage needs, and provdes all counsel with a cost-effective, efficient, central storage area.
In 2001, Elite Video Productions was the first to pioneer video streaming in the litigation arena with the development of our own proprietary streaming software for use in the largest class action lawsuit filed in the history of the United States of America: Enron Securities Litigation Class Action Lawsuit, 2001 – 2007; Newby, et al vs. Enron, et al.
Elite Video Productions is headquartered in Downtown Dallas and provides nationwide coverage and customs-ready shooter packages for use abroad.